Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd to Visit UUCM

Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd will be leading our Worship Services and offer a book signing on October 20, 2019.

Rev. Nancy serves as Senior Minister of the River Road Unitarian Universalist congregation in Bethesda, Maryland, where she lives with her spouse, two kids and one badly-behaved cat.

She is also on the faculty of Meadville Lombard Theological School, serves as a local and national leader in congregation based community organizing and recently published her first book, “After the Good News; Progressive Faith Beyond Optimism.”   For generations, liberal pulpits have rung with grand sermons about progress “onward and upward forever,” yet our people struggle to make sense of both their own suffering and enduring injustice all around us. What resilience lies beyond our historic optimism? How can that resilience guide us forward in authentic ways? 

Join us between services at Connection Café where Rev. Nancy will be offering a book signing along with copies of her book for sale.