Religious Education Looking Forward – October 2015

With apologies to Paul Simon:
There’s always something happening at the U
I do believe it,
I do believe it’s true…

There are opportunities at and around our UUCM Religious Education program for ALL ages and stages.

Children and Youth classes are in full swing. Come and take part!  Classes are at 9:00 and 11:00 AM on Sundays. The 9th grade Coming of Age class is already planning their fall Heritage trip to Boston.  6th/7th grade Neighboring Faiths is planning their first field trip (probably the first week in October).  The Children’s Choir is revving up AND the Holiday Pageant plans are already in the works. The Senior Youth Group is planning a Halloween bash for the kids. Update your calendars with the info below.

But wait…there’s more! We are a lifespan program and there are opportunities for adults as well. This October in particular we start several workshops and classes, including New UU, Aging as a Spiritual Practice and Parents as Resident Theologians, to name a few. Childcare can be provided with advance notice.  Be sure to check out the Adult RE Brochure at the website or at coffee hour.

For Your Calendars

Wed. Oct 7th   New UU class begins for 4 consecutive Wednesdays, 7:30-9:30PM

Sun. Oct 11th   Children’s Chapel – Indigenous Peoples

Thu. Oct. 15th Parents as Resident Theologians, 1st session.

Sun, Oct 18th   New Parent Orientation

Sat. Oct.31st    12-2 Halloween party for our children, sponsored by Sr. Youth Group.

Sun. Nov 1st     Dia de los Muertos celebration

Thurs., Nov 5th – Sun. Nov 7th  Coming of Age Boston Heritage Trip

Sun., Nov 7th   Pageant Casting Meeting

Finally, we have several teaching opportunities at 11AM that need your help, one teacher for Coming of Age and 2 teachers for our 2nd/3rd grade children. We hope you are the right fit to share this mutual teaching and learning experience with our children and youth. Please call or email the RE Office for more information.

See you Sunday!
Judith A. Stein-Farrall
Religious Education Program Coordinator