I can’t believe that summer is FINALLY here! Please join us for One-Room Schoolhouse in the Peierls Room (or in the Rotunda for Nursery). We have a lot of fun things planned! We will “Gather the Spirit” by focusing on water and encouraging stewardship and then we will “Circle the Trees” to find a deep connection with nature and all of earth’s living creatures. Gather the Spirit and Circle the Trees are multigenerational programming designed to be inclusive for all. You can learn more at http://www.uua.org/re/tapestry/multigenerational.
Don’t worry if you haven’t had a chance to register yet. You can take a minute to do so online at https://tinyurl.com/UUCMRegistration2017-2018 or by visiting us at the registration table in Fletcher Hall on Sundays. Please keep in mind that next year we will be doing things a little bit differently as we will be asking every family to contribute in at least one way: by either teaching and preparing lessons 8 times, assisting in the classroom 5 times, or by being the Classroom Community Event Coordinator hosting social events for families outside of the classroom.
For Your Calendars
6/25 Summer One-Room Schoolhouse Begins
9/03 Summer One-Room Schoolhouse Ends
Contact me anytime at recoord@uumontclair.org.
See you Sunday,
Iris E .DeLaPaz
Religious Education Program Coordinator