We’re in the homestretch; only a few weeks left until summer and we’re going to make every Sunday count! We have a very full month planned. Starting on May 1st, our Coming of Age graduates will be leading our services. This year they have dedicated their time to reach new understandings about themselves and their beliefs. At this service they will articulate their truths about life and faith. Classes will only be held for Pre-K to 3rd grade. The following Sunday (May 8th) marks Mother’s Day, when we will offer Child Dedications during the services. Our annual congregational meeting will be held on May 15th, which will be ONE 10:00 AM service. Children’s Chapel and classes will be held during the service and there will be an activity for youth Kindergarten to 5th grade from 11:00 AM to Noon. Finally on May 22nd we will be wrapping up our session with RE Sunday, giving our children a chance to show off what they’ve learned and recognize our superb teaching team.
We’ve had such a fun and exciting year that would not have been possible without all of our phenomenal volunteers. It is such a wonderful opportunity to grow in your faith and help mold our young people into the great leaders we know they can be. By volunteering, you’re securing our future through our children. We still have teaching opportunities available at both 9:00 and 11:00 AM.
Don’t think you can teach at least 15 Sundays in a school year? You can volunteer to be a substitute or to help coordinate the many fun events we have planned for our upcoming year. Another thing to keep in mind is that we are going to need quite a few Coming of Age mentors, volunteering for this is a great honor and responsibility. Please stop by the RE Table at coffee hour or contact the RE office for more information. You can also find information, sign up to teach and register for Religious Education at http://www.uumontclair.org/re/register/.
For Your Calendars
5/1 – Coming of Age Service. 4th grade – Sr. Youth attend service, Nursery – 3rd grade classes meet
5/8 – Mother’s Day, Child Dedications
5/15 – Congregational Annual Meeting: One 10:00 am Service, 9:00 and 11:00 classes combine. Children’s Chapel K-5th and entertainment from 11-12
5/22 – RE Sunday, Teacher Recognition
5/29 – ONE service at 10:00 AM. Nursery ONLY.
See you Sunday,
Iris E .DeLaPaz
Religious Education Program Coordinator