The month of May is a particularly important one in Religious Education. This is the time of year when teachers, facilitators, parents and friends take part in rich and meaningful celebrations of growth and development at the “U.”
May kicks off the month with the Coming of Age service. Like many of our sister faiths, UU 9th graders proclaim their understanding of life, existence and their participation in it. On May 10th (Mother’s Day), our Senior Youth group will provide their more seasoned perspective about their generation. At the end of the month, during RE and Teacher Appreciation Sunday, we have the honor of hearing from our younger grades. All of them are learning about faith and life from a UU perspective. They will share with us their RE experiences from Bible stories to the theology of gender identity.
As we experience the fruits of this year’s RE garden, we are also cultivating for the year to come. You have the opportunity to be a part of it. Please consider your role in nurturing and encouraging our children and youth to experience a thoughtful and engaged life!
The following teaching and facilitating opportunities are still available!
9:00 AM – Pre-K, Kindergarten/1st Grade, 2nd/3rd Grade, 4th/5th Grade
11:00 AM – Kindergarten/1st Grade, 2nd/3rd Grade, 4th/5th Grade, Coming of Age and Sr. Youth group.
Please stop by the RE Table at coffee hour or contact the RE office for more information. You can also find information, sign up to teach and register for Religious Education at
For Your Calendars —
May 3rd – Coming of Age Service
May 10th – Sr. Youth Service
May 17th – One Service at 10:00 AM with Children’s Chapel, followed by the UUCM Annual Meeting and special children’s programming.
May 24th – One Service at 10:00 AM
May 26th – 6th/7th Grade Parent’s meeting
May 29th & 30th – Youth Retreat
May 31st – RE Sunday and Teacher Appreciation
See you Sunday,
Judith A. Stein-Farrall
Religious Education Program Coordinator