Spring sunshine brings opportunity for new beginnings in RE. There is plenty to be involved in, including Blue Jean Sunday, and Registration & Recruitment Sunday, which kicks off our Teacher and Class registration for the next program year. Look for R&R materials in your email inbox or on our website. Sign-up and registration information will also be available in Fletcher Hall on Sundays.
Blue Jean Sunday on April 6th is a great opportunity to help out around the buildings and grounds. We will be looking for help with painting, cleaning and mulching among other projects. With the R&R kickoff we are really excited about the new online registration system. You can access it from the website at this link: www.uumontclair.org/re/register. There are a lot of opportunities where you can help out. Of course, our greatest need (and we hope your passion) is teaching and leading classes. There are also special events creative opportunities and going on trips with the youth. You might consider adding your knowledge and experience to our RE Committee. What is your style?
Remember to join Revs. Ortman and Tomlinson for the Passover Seder and Easter/Earth Communion celebration. Easter Sunday is also a Youth Facilitated Service. Look for sign up information over the next couple of weeks.
In our RE classrooms this month, the 2nd/3rd Graders continue their Faithful Journeys, “exploring how Unitarian Universalism translates into life choices and everyday actions.” Our Neighboring Faith’s class has three trips planned: a HinduTemple in Bridgewater, a Native American Sweat Lodge and a Buddhist Monastery. These are pretty fantastic (the trips and the kids). Finally our Coming of Agers are busy writing there Credo statements.
Dates to keep in mind:
Sunday, April 6th: Blue Jean Sunday
Monday, April 14th: Passover Seder
Sunday, April 20th: Easter Sunday Intergenerational Service. (Nursery and Pre-K classes only!) Youth Facilitated Service.
And please mark your calendars for Sunday, the May 18th Annual Meeting! Children’s activities will be provided.
See you Sunday,
Judith A. Stein-Farrall
Religious Education Program Coordinator