Social Justice Sunday

Undoing Racism Committee (URC) invites you to take action next week at UUCM’s Social Justice Sunday.
New Jersey denies the right to vote to nearly 100,000 people with convictions. Half of them are Black, even though Black people are only 15% of the state population. End this racially discriminatory practice. On Sunday, we invite the congregation to participate in a letter writing campaign to your representatives to ask them to restore voting rights to people with convictions. We can help you personalize your appeal at 10-11am and 12noon-1230 pm coffee hours on January 14, 2018.  Come and speak to URC members and learn about this voting rights issue or learn here.
A second action will be available: URC is cancelling its January 21st meeting to instead put our support behind the launch of the New Jersey Prophetic Campaign, Rev. William Barber’s revival of Dr. King’s Poor People’s Campaign. Also in coffee hour, we have a table to sign up for car pooling to Trenton Sunday, Jan. 21st, leaving UUCM at around 330pm, returning by 7 pm. Rev. Charles Boyer will preach 5-6 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Trenton. This is an important state-wide launch to unite people around the US to fight racism, poverty, the war economy and environmental devastation. Sign up to attend with UUCM and URC members. See Special Table set up for this and for more information.  For more information on the national campaign, click here.