About planning a UUCM Hiking GroUUp from Director of Religious Education Judith Hogan:
I have received many requests from members to form a UUCM Hiking Group. My delay has been in that I cannot do much to coordinate efforts for hikes as my days (and sometimes nights) are irregularly tied to my efforts to make the RE Program run smoothly. That being said, I LOVE THE IDEA OF FORMING A HIKING GROUP, and to that end, I can help by providing a way to get the ball rolling down/up that mountain. Voila! A Realm Registration! Although this is a casual group, it still will need leadership and direction.
The following Realm registration has been set up to get all who are interested in a UU Hiking group in one spot/group so PLEASE REGISTER so we have a solid starting point.
Within the registration is the question, “Are you willing to be an ORGANIZING LEADER of the Hiking GroUUp?” (We will need at least three dedicated Leaders to make this group work)
Responsibilities of the UUCM Hiking GroUUp Leaders are:
- Determine the frequency of hikes
- Plan the hikes – noting information about hike intensity (beginner, moderate, advanced, etc.)
- Provide specific meeting information – parking, (GPS if possible), description, etc.
- Bring your knowledge of hiking and all around love of the outdoors and share it with the group.
Once we have Leaders and names from the registration I will create and add the names to a Hiking GroUUp in Realm, then all details and plans can be organized and coordinated through Realm – EASY.
THIS is a humble beginning! Hopefully this will be a great way to make socially distant outdoor re-connections with other outdoorsy UUs.
Happy Hiking!