The Board Corner – Summer 2018

From Brian Crooks, Board of Trustees

Summer is here! Which means BBQ’s, visits to the pool and one 10am service on Sunday (not necessarily in that order). It also means your Board is still hard at work. Our congregational year starts in July and this year, we welcome two new trustees, Matt Silverman and Elaine Gibson. We are excited to have them and are looking forward to jumping into this new year with our Board retreat in August.

This past year has been marked with a many exciting changes for our congregation. In addition to welcoming our new settled ministers, we also kicked off a strategic planning initiative at our Annual Meeting in May. Since then, our input meetings (which were open to all), surveys and opportunities to answer questions at Coffee Hour resulted in about 250 question responses (not 250 people). 

All of these responses are being synthesized over the summer, and will be added to the information gathered during the Interim period and Search process. All of this input will inform the development of the revised Mission statement, the new Vision statement and our Strategic Plan that will move our congregation into the future. The next step will be to create a first draft of the new Mission and Vision statements during the summer. These will be shared with the congregation for feedback in the fall.

Until then, enjoy the summer, and be safe!