The UUCM Senior Lunch Bunch’s June 23, 2021 Meeting in Jenny Bakshi’s Garden

The UUCM Senior Lunch Bunch’s June 23, 2021 Meeting in Jenny Bakshi’s Garden

Twelve Senior Lunch Bunchers met for their 4th Annual Lunch in Jenny Bakshi’s Garden on Wednesday, June 23rd for lunch, conversation, and a guided tour of Jenny’s Garden by Jenny herself. The weather could not have been better: It was warm and sunny with a slight breeze flowing to keep us cool as we ate our lunches in the shade of beautiful old trees. The conversation was lively, and it covered several subjects including: –

  1. Gary Sanderson announced his retirement as Leader of the UUCM Senior Lunch Bunch as of June 30th, and Becky Doggett’s ascendency to this position. The Group applauded Gary and Becky for their work with this Group that has given pleasure, friendship, and stimulation to many UU’s and their friends who have been members of the Group over the years. 
  2. The pros and cons of having “Senior” in the name of our group: Our group is open to all members of UUCM and their friends with no age limits so why have “Senior” in the name at all? No decision was made on this subject, but it was mentioned several times that having a place to discuss issues of major concern to people past child rearing age was important.
  3. The March for Reparations in Newark, NJ, on June 19th: Gary and Irene had shared photos of their participation in this March for Reparations, and the question was asked, “Reparations for What?” Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Declaration in 1864 freed the slaves (African Americans) which left the former slaves free but with no money, no jobs, and no property. To help overcome this situation, the former slaves were promised ‘Forty acres of land and a mule’, but this commitment was never fulfilled. Consequently, African American’s began their life of freedom without any material resources and then they were burdened by overt racial discrimination in many forms which has resulted in individual African Americans today having on average less than 1/10th the capital resources as White Americans. So, it seems that Reparations are justified to help reduce this wealth gap.
  4. The COVID Pandemic and its effect on our lives: Thanks to the Pandemic, ZOOM has become the major means for group meetings, and this situation has proven to be deficient in several aspects: ZOOM is technically difficult for many, emotional warmth and physical closeness is lacking, etc. However, we must persevere and look forward to a return to ‘normalcy’. 
  5. Invitation to “Aging as a Spiritual Practice” Special Interest Group members to join the Senior Lunch Bunch: It was mentioned that this Group had recently finished its program and disbanded. An Impromptu Survey suggested that questions discussed by this Group were of interest to the Senior Lunch Bunch which lead to a decision to invite the ‘graduates’ of this Group to join our group so that these discussions could be continued. 
  6. Tour of Jenny’s Garden:  Jenny Bakshi explained that this Garden was a showcase for her Landscape Design business but that it was also a “Labor of Love”.  

The Garden Tour ended shortly after 1:30 PM, Good-byes were exchanged, and we all went back to our ordinary life activities until Next Time [At noon on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month].

Submitted by Gary Sanderson and “Becky” Doggett.