Ritual on a budget — dollar store to the rescue

Ritual on a budget — dollar store to the rescue

On Sunday, Sept. 22, we Pagans celebrated Mabon; autumn was officially here at 8:44 a.m. How quickly this year we went from summer to autumn.  At least it feels that way. The leaves seem to have begun changing color and falling faster this year. Lately, I can’t help but think about where I started and...

Lughnasadh — time to reflect on our harvest

Lughnasadh — time to reflect on our harvest

Lughnasadh or Lammas also known as Bread Mass (Loaf Mass Day) to Christians is only a few short days away. As you may know, it is the first of three harvest festivals. The second is Mabon or Alban Elfed in Druidic known to mudanes only as the Autumn Equinox; the last Samhain.

Changes — As UU Pagans, Lets Flow With Them And Grow

Changes — As UU Pagans, Lets Flow With Them And Grow

Recently, the delegates at the Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly passed the newly revised Article II of their bylaws. Having attended the General Assembly since before this review began I was watching the process with a close eye. The vote passed with 2025 (80.2 percent) of the delegates approving it. Now this blog is not...

Ritual On The Fly — When And How To Run An Effective Sabbat

Ritual On The Fly — When And How To Run An Effective Sabbat

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans” said John Lennon, in a very true statement. This happened to me recently. I had no car for the week of Beltaine, so I was unable to lug my ritual tools with me. Additionally, most of my Sacred Wheel CUUPs members had timing issues that...

Earth Day: From Plastic To Compost — Take Care Of Our Mother

Earth Day: From Plastic To Compost — Take Care Of Our Mother

Monday, April 22 is Earth Day once again….but I say it’s every day. Every single day we should be Earth conscious in what we do. Earth Day itself has become too commercial in my opinion. This is when the big stores act like they are doing something important. “Come, shop with me and get a...