
Arlene Marin

We lit a candle for Arlene Marin who has sustained a pressure fracture, after a fall. We hold Arlene in love and hope for healing.


Amy Wolosoff.

Brad Hyson lit a candle of healing for Amy Wolosoff. Please send thoughts & prayers & blessings to Amy and her family who lost her cousins’ husband Todd Baron after a 6 year battle with cancer. Todd was 49 and leaves Amy’s cousin Deb and her girls, Sara & Lila, ages 12 & 8.


Elaine Gibson

Marcia Mandel lit a candle of healing for Elaine Gibson as she recovers from surgery performed on June 29th. It will be a 6-8 week recovery, slow but sure!


Dianne Sullivan

We lit a candle for Dianne Sullivan who has developed some health challenges and will have surgery this Wed. 17th. She hopes to be up and around soon and would appreciate good thoughts floating her way.


Joseph Tripoldi

Deborah Ann Tripoldi and family light a candle for her father, Joseph Tripoldi. Joe found out on Tuesday that he has a benign tumor on his brain and will need surgery. Please hold Joe and the Tripoldi family in your hearts.


Barbara Ann

Deborah Ann Tripoldi and family lit a candle of healing for her mother Barbara Ann. The family is hoping that Barbara Ann does not need to go back to the hospital.