Deborah Ann Tripoldi and family light a candle for her father, Joseph Tripoldi. Joseph might need surgery to remove the shattered gallstones. He will find out this week.
Candle Category: Healing
Stephen Crooks
We light a candle of healing for Stephen Crooks to let him know that we hope he didn’t break his wrist and for a speedy recovery.
Georgiana Hart
We light a candle for our own Georgiana Hart who is Kessler in West Orange rehabilitating from a medical episode following her surgery.
Dick Kessler
We light this candle for Dick Kessler who is recovering from a significant concussion. We are glad to report that he is on his way to rehab and much, much better.
Susie Roman Luna
The YaYah group lights a candle of healing for member Susie Roman Luna. She was unable to attend their holiday gathering last night because she needed an urgent iron infusion. They hope she bounces back and is able to meet with them on Dec, 28th.