Mental Wellness and Inherent Worth and Dignity

Mental Wellness and Inherent Worth and Dignity

Today’s service: “Mental Wellness and Inherent Worth and Dignity,” led by Mark Williams. Mark is a member of First Unitarian New Jersey (formerly known as the First Unitarian Society of Plainfield), and he serves on the Board of "Unitarian Universalist Faith Action New Jersey." Mark is a retired Adult Psychiatric Nurse, and a devoted advocate for the rights of persons diagnosed with a mental illness. As President of the Board of the First Unitarian Society of Plainfield, Mark championed the establishment of a mental health ministry in the congregation.

We’re All Right

We’re All Right

Today’s service is led by our member and congregational leader, Ghana Hylton. Ghana has held many leadership positions in our congregation including co-chair of our Religious Education Team, and Ghana has led many previous worship services. She has a powerful, direct, and visionary voice. We are grateful for her contributions. Ghana is join by Michael Gilch on piano and vocals, Glenn Rombough on Guitar, Rev Scott on Drums, and her husband Wil Hylton singing lead. Dana Moore is our Pastoral Associate and Rev Anya serves as liturgist.

Do What Must Be Done

Do What Must Be Done

Winston Churchill is quoted as saying "It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required." But how does a covenantal faith community discern that which must be done? This service is led by UUCM member Charles Loflin, a candidate for the UU ministry. Charles is supported by Rev Anya, Dan Silver as Liturgist, Malinda Loflin as Song Leader, Juliana Carr as guest vocalist, and Director of Music Ministries Markus Grae Hauck. Rev Scott makes a special appearance on drums at the end.