Bridgett Nast

Trustee at Large

Bridgett Nast joined UUCM in 2017, shortly after  moving to New Jersey from Wisconsin. Bridgett  has been a part of OutFront (and its former  incarnation, Rainbow UU) and the Young Adults  group at UUCM, and has served as a musician  and choir member for Christmas Eve and other  congregational events as well as a hymn leader  for Sunday worship services. Born and raised in  the suburbs of Milwaukee, WI, Bridgett is an  Eagle Scout, tattoo enthusiast, and all around  nerd. Bridgett has a degree in Pastry Arts and  currently works as a baker. She and her wife were  married at UUCM in 2018 and live in Belleville  with their menagerie of four cats and a dog.