Hello and Happy Holidays! The Board of Trustees has had an active month!
We had a special meeting, in early November with Rev. Craig Hirshberg, our Ministerial Settlement Representative, who led us in a thorough and lively review of the chronology and mechanics of the process of electing a Settled Minister Search Committee. We plan to adopt a method at our December monthly meeting, and we are excited about engaging every member of the Congregation that process. You’ll be hearing from us and we want to hear from you! At our monthly Board meeting in November, we reviewed and formally adopted the four specific Board goals I wrote about last month, and we will have in place in December a task force to focus on each: 1. Communication with Congregation; 2. Creation of an organizational chart; 3. Effect repairs to those parts of the facility that pose an immediate risk to safety or the structural integrity of the building; and 4. Determining what kind of board (visionary, policy, or management) we want to be.
Meanwhile, the Township of Montclair has approved our plan for roof repairs so look for those to be underway soon. We are so grateful for those who have made special contributions to that project.
I hope everyone had a chance to come out for our Annual Auction on November 21st. Once again, co-chairs Erin Krupa and Dennis Kurtti, with the support of dozens of others, pulled off a fantastic party giving us the opportunity to build our community to new heights. The “Black and White Masquerade” theme made for a gorgeous presentation, and the R&B music, courtesy of member Scott Moore, was fantastic. Please follow-up with Dennis Kurtti as soon as possible to check out and pay for your winnings, if you haven’t already.
As always, if you have any questions about the work of the Board, or anything you want to bring to our attention, please call me at (973) 803-9274 or email me at merninmj@gmail.com (I am migrating to a new email address), or reach out to any Board member.
Happy Holidays!
Michael Mernin
President, Board of Trustees