A Climate in Crisis: The Fight for Justice in a Warming World

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Panel Discussion
A Climate in Crisis: The Fight for Justice in a Warming World

Thursday, December 5, 2019
Join the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office for a panel discussion on creating inclusive climate policies to marginalized and forgotten groups.  The panel features a list of speakers who represent communities at the forefront of climate change and are leaders in the movement for an equitable world. This panel will be an interactive intergenerational event with a focus on action.

Thursday, December 5, 2019
1:00 – 4:00 PM
Salvation Army International Justice Commission
Salvation Army Auditorium
221 E. 52nd St.New York, NY
Further details to follow; please mark your calendar now. 

Our tentative panelists include:
Daphne Frias
Deputy Director of Global Outreach for Zero HourNew York State Director for March For Our Lives
Vladimir Cuk
Executive Director of the International Disability Alliance
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
14th District of New York (invited)
Moderator: Dr. Scott Carlin
Co-Chair for the International Day of Education for Global Citizenship
Associate Professor of Geography at Long Island University’s LIU Post

For more information contact international@uua.org.