This month we will be preparing to usher in the December holidays with the annual Holiday Craft Workshop on Sunday, December 4th, from 9:00 AM to Noon. We need crafters to share their time and talent by hosting a table – bring all the supplies necessary to teach our attendees how to create your special craft. Crafting certainly works up an appetite, so we are also in need of volunteers to bring and/or make soup, bread and desserts for our hearty lunch immediately following.
In December we will also have our Holiday Pageant and many one-room school house lessons that need facilitators.
If you’re interested in assisting, please see me at the RE table during coffee hour, or email me to volunteer for these wonderful UUCM traditions.
Our Coming of Age class will be going on the Annual Boston heritage trip, November 11th through 13th. We will also have a youth facilitated service on November 20th. During this service our Kindergarten through 5th graders will be invited to take a role in the service.
- K/1st graders will help as greeters.
- 2nd/3rd grade will share the job of taking the collection.
- 4th/5th grade will be lighting the chalice.
Sign up sheets will be available over the next couple of weeks. Check with your classroom teachers.
Take a moment for yourself and join the RE Committee for REmix — an evening out with other adults who have children in RE or are teaching RE. We will be meeting at Just Jake’s in Montclair on Friday, November 4th, at 7:00 PM. Feel free to invite anyone who is interested in our RE program or in the UUCM!
As part of our Think Orange initiative to merge the yellow light of our congregation and the red love of our family, we have been sending take home questions. Be a part of the conversation at:
For Your Calendars
November 1 (Tues.) RE Committee Meeting 7:30pm
November 11-13 COA Heritage trip to Boston
November 13 Teaching Team Check in (in between services, Alliance room)
November 20 Thanksgiving, Youth Facilitated Service
November 27 Thanksgiving Weekend – One 10 AM service.
See you Sunday,
Iris E. DeLaPaz
Religious Education Program Coordinator