From the Ministerial Transition Team (MTT)


It’s been a busy start to the year with the usual programs, Search Committee activities, and a workshop sponsored by the MTT. During the September 18th Congregational Workshop, presentations about the possibilities and need for growth were shared, and then breakout groups discussed 3 questions about the future of the congregation. You can view a video of the presentations at  A complete transcription of the notes from each group is available from the MTT – please reach out to one of us if you would like to receive a copy.  Here is a summary of common themes that were echoed across most groups.

1)   What does a vibrant congregation look like? A welcoming worship service, a full calendar and busy space, robust internal and external communications, and a presence in the community

2)   What is the purpose of UUCM? To provide spiritual home, to build community, to provide a liberal religious education for the next generation and a hub for social justice

3)   What are you most afraid of losing if we grow and change? Many indicated that they were not too worried, and more excited about the transition> However, there is a recognition that growth and change could lead to a loss of intimacy and connection with each other, changes in our traditions or even becoming “more corporate.”

Clearly it was a great meeting, with lots of thought provoking ideas for our congregation going forward.

As always, the MTT welcomes your feedback and questions.