Rain Lily is returning for our 7th annual Pre-Holiday Fair Trade Show and Sale

On Sunday, December 8th, starting at 10 am in the Alliance Room, come and enjoy the wonderful assortment of unique fair trade jewelry, exquisite scarves and more from Asian, Indian and Guatemalan fair trade artisans. Your purchases help to improve the lives of women engaged in these handicrafts and the lives of their families. Katie Mahoney, the owner of Rain Lily, donates a generous percentage of her sales to our UU. So, come out and participate in this win-win-win experience. You’ll have a chance to do some early holiday shopping, to support Fair Trade, and to support our work at UU, all at the same time! Rain Lily has also supported our UU Auction, so look for this year’s donated “Sampler Basket” at the Auction or check out the link at: http://www.rainlilyshop.com in order to preview some of the beautiful items. See you on December 8th! For more information please contact Francesca Elms. Hope to see you there!