It took so long for summer to come and now it’s fall! With October starting, hopefully you have noticed some of the changes around the congregation, such as increased signage, our classroom icons, and our “Take It Home” questions. In the coming months we will have community building events (for both students and parents) and each class is working on a social justice project that will be completed by March. This month we will have our first “bring-a-friend” to RE day and an “Alice the Chalice” traveling through our classrooms with a journal. More information about this will be shared by email and on our Facebook page. These changes were initiated with “Think Orange” in mind, a program that looks to combine the yellow light of our chalice and the red love of the families in our congregation to create an orange partnership. We need your help to create this loving orange bond and intentional communities between our congregation and the world.
With the start of October, we have Dia de los Muertos, the holiday craft workshop, and holiday pageant preparations underway. If you have a craft in mind that you would like to share with the children or you think you’d be amazing at writing our holiday pageant script, please meet up with me at Coffee Hour or send me an email. To keep up to date with everything going on this year, I strongly suggest friending me on Facebook and following our group “UU Montclair RE Families.”
We need your love and support to take this program to a level of achievement and performance that it has never reached before.
See you Sunday,
Iris E. DeLaPaz
Religious Education Program Coordinator