Heritage Bread Communion

Bake Heritage Bread – Give To Those In Need

Our Heritage Bread Communion usually occurs at the worship service closest to Thanksgiving – a chance for us to participate in one another’s traditions. This year we will be doing things a little differently. 
What’s the same? You are invited to bake one or two loaves of bread from your families or your chosen traditions. 

What’s different? You are invited to deliver your bread to Rev. Anya and others at UUCM in person on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 (between 5 and 7 PM) or Wednesday, November 18, 2020 (between 2 and 4 PM). Your bread will be delivered to our MESH (Montclair Emergency Services for the Homeless) guests on Wednesday, November 18, 2020.  When you drop off your bread Rev. Anya will be so glad to greet you and take a photo of you and your bread! These photos will be shared during worship on Sunday November 22, 2020 to honor our heritage bread communion. 

Would you like to bake for this ritual? Please register here. You will receive more details by November 10, 2020.