News and Notes for Religious Education at UUCM 9/29/17

Please note which classes are starting where for the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship services for this Sunday 10/1/17:

Sun, October 1, 9am – 10am
For Nursery through Grade 12
Nursery: Joseph Priestly Room (begins at 9)
Grade 2/3: A-5 (The Purple Room) (begins in Rotunda at 9 for Children’s Chapel, then goes to class)
Grade 4/5: Mortenson Room (begins in Rotunda at 9 for Children’s Chapel, then goes to class)
Grade 8: Peierls Room (begins at 9)
Senior Youth Grades 10-12 : Samantha Smith Room (begins at 10:30)
NOTE: PreK, K1st, 6th7th Neighboring Faiths and Grade 9 Coming of Age are only offered at 11 a.m. service

Sun, October 1, 11am – 12pm
For Nursery through Grade 12
Nursery: Joseph Priestly Room (begins at 11)
PreK: Susan B. Anthony Room (begins at 11)
K-1: William Ellery Channing Room (C8) (begins in Rotunda at 11 for Children’s Chapel and then goes to class)
Grade 2/3: A-5 (The Purple Room) (begins in Rotunda at 11 for Children’s Chapel and then goes to class)
Grade 4/5: Mortenson Room (begins in Rotunda at 11 for Children’s Chapel and then goes to class)
Grade 6/7: Tomlinson Room (Formerly Sub-Peierls Room) (begins at 11- PARENTS please attend for a brief orientation to the Neighboring Faiths class!)
Grade 9: Peierls Room (begins at 11)
Senior Youth Grades 10-12 : Samantha Smith Room (begins at 10:30 a.m.)
NOTE: Grade 8 Heed the Call is only offered at 9 a.m.

Children’s Chapel in Rotunda
From time to time there are “Children’s Chapels” where 2nd-5th grades at 9 a.m. service and K-5th grades at 11 a.m. service gather in the Rotunda for about 15 minutes for a story and activity and then go to their classrooms.
This Sunday’s Children’s Chapel explores “Forgiveness and Friendship”.

The Religious Education Committee wants to hear from you
The Religious Education Committee (REC) that oversees both the vision of RE at UUCM and the realization of that vision through the many RE activities, would like to increase the opportunities to be in dialogue and gather feedback from the congregation.
This survey monkey in one example of that effort.  This is specifically geared toward RE volunteers though future variations may target different constituent groups.  Please take some time to share feedback.  Please continue to speak to, call, or email REC members, RE Coordinator Iris De La Paz, Director of Religious Education & Congregational Life Chris Buja with feedback.  We hope such digital feedback mechanisms will enhance our in person conversations on the vision and execution of religious education!

For Senior Youth Group
There is an upcoming “con” (conference) on Long Island.
And bookmark this website link to stay up to speed on youth-related events in the Central East Region.
Stay tuned for more info on a “con” that is tentatively scheduled for Dec 8-10 that UUCM will be hosting!  If a youth has wanted to go to a con but has been daunted by having to travel across state lines to do so- it doesn’t get much closer than this!

Supporting RE Classes as an Assistant
If there is not already an adult in an RE participating household that is serving as a lead teacher for a class, please sign up to be an assistant.  Chris Buja, Iris De La Paz, and team coordinators can help place you as an assistant where both help is needed and it will be a good fit for you.  It could be in your child’s class, it could be in a class your child is not in.  Please note certain classes have particular training required to volunteer in so we are focusing on identifying assistants for classes that don’t require the higher level training.  It is a big help for lead teachers to have assistants in the classrooms to help children engage the stories, activities, and craft projects that they prepare.  Moreover, by having more assistants, volunteers can have a more balanced schedule of serving in classes and attending worship.  Assistants get the benefit of a more hands on and direct knowledge of what is happening in the classes- which can help in their own formation of UU identity and add to their drive home conversations with family members.  Thank you for helping to make RE at UUCM both excellent and sustainable!