Justice Focus: Let’s Drive Campaign statewide rally

Justice Focus: Let’s Drive Campaign statewide rally on Thursday, September 6, 2018 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM at the NJ Statehouse in Trenton to kick off the major push for driver’s licenses for those with limited documentation, including immigrants, some elders, and people fleeing intimate partner abuse and violence in our communities. Why? This issue is the top priority for immigrant rights activists in our state right now! ICE–and often local police–use what would normally be routine traffic stops to round up undocumented immigrants–the vast majority of whom have no prior records and have been living in our state for years, paying taxes, often with US born children, homes, jobs/businesses. Try raising kids in NJ without access to a valid license, or a legal way of getting to work, only to end up in an Elizabeth or Philadelphia detention center awaiting deportation for the offense of driving without a license- a license you weren’t allowed to get in the first place. For more information about the rally, contact the UUCM Social Justice Coalition at socialjustice@uumontclair.org or just look for yellow t-shirts and the blue “UU FaithAction” banner.