The 2014-15 Youth Advisory Team will host a Meet & Greet for all eligible Sr. Youth on Sunday, September 7th, at 10:30 am in the Rotunda. We invite all teens age 14-18+ (through grade 12) to come MEET this years Senior and Junior Youth Leaders, Adult Youth Advisors, and Youth Coordinator, GREET youth members old and new, connect and RE-connect with some of the coolest UU’s in town, SHARE your hopes for the Sr. Youth Program, suggestions and individual areas of interest. And…GET EXCITED about the sensational year to come as we expand our hearts, minds and spirits on this covenantal journey toward truth, beauty, justice and compassion. You are welcome to invite a friend, or drag your brother or sister along… Refreshments will be served. Fun will be had. Hope to see you there! For more info or to volunteer for this event please contact our Sr. Youth Coordinator, Dana Moore, at