Town Hall on Montclair Police

Sunday, July 19th, 2020                        
Time: 4-5:30 p.m.
Registration Link:

The UUCM Social Justice Coalition and Undoing Racism Committee invite you to a virtual town hall will be held to have a civil, good-faith conversation on policing, budgeting, and our values in Montclair.  We have been invited by the Pressman Social Action Interns of B’nai Keshet and Temple Ner Tamid, along with different community groups to present and be on their panel. The purpose of this town hall is to educate the public on different perspectives in a safe-discussion environment, and to provide a platform for community members to engage with the town council. Following individual presentations, there will be a short question and answer session with select town councilors, including David Cummings Sr. of the Fourth Ward. Questions will be fielded in advance via the registration form. 

The event will be moderated by Deirdre Malloy, co-chair of the Montclair Housing Commission.

Participants on attached flyer.