UULMNJ Local Police/Black Lives Matter Crisis Conference Call

In an effort both to push forward with our own deep commitment to Black Lives Matter, and to grow and deepen our relationships with local and county-level police, we will be hosting a statewide video conference to discuss several ways we can effect change vis-a-vis our own police forces and within the larger context of historic, embedded racial injustice across the board. Please join us on Zoom on Tuesday, July, 26 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to learn from Rohn Hein (Cherry Hill), Co-Chair, UULMNJ Dismantling Racism Group, Cherry Hill Congregation, Susan MacDonnell (Princeton), Chair, UULMNJ Criminal Justice Task Force, and other New Jersey UU leaders how we can be part of the solution. To join the video call from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android visit https://zoom.us/j/938562767  or call in to (646) 558-8656 and enter meeting ID: 938 562 767.