Religious Education: Looking Forward – Summer 2013

Who is this new Person in RE?
Looking through the UUCM directory I could see why it was suggested (in jest?) I might consider changing my name.  I found not just one or two, as I usually might, but seven Judys and Judiths counted among the members, visitors and staff of our congregation. I used to think I was unique.  Now, instead, I find I am in good company!

I was born a New Yorker and have also lived inTexas, California, Colorado and Connecticut. New Jersey has been home for 16 years. My background includes a Bachelor’s degree from Goddard College, working in Market Research, running children’s theater programs, working in other UU environments and Hospital Chaplaincy.  My name is Judith A. Stein-Farrall and I am your new Religious Education Program Coordinator.  I am thrilled to be here!

Summer Children’s Programming
While the single 10:00 AM services continue this summer, Religious Education programming is in place for Nursery through 5th grade. Nursery thru 4 years of age are welcome in the Rotunda during the service. K-5th in the Peierls Room will meet for “Dr. Seuss Changed My Life.” Children go directly to the classrooms this summer.

RE Class Planning
Please Register NOW for the fall RE and, we still need teachers for both the 9:00 and 11:00 AM classes, Pre-K through 5th grade.  If you are interested in teaching, please let me know. You can find forms in the Narthex on Sunday, or you can visit our Religious Education page on our website at:

Dates to plan for…
September 7th – Start –Up Saturday, Teacher Team Orientation and scheduling.

September 8th– 9AM & 11AM –  Nursery – Pre-K classes begin and Multigenerational Water Communion Worship Service.

September 15th – 9AM & 11AM  – All RE classes begin.

See you Sunday,
Judith Stein-Farrall