President’s Message – Summer 2013

The quiet of the summer months is upon us again – a time to reflect on the past year before the new congregational year comes (which is always sooner than we think).  We did a lot of good work this year, and had a lot of fun doing it.  Our first-time spring fundraiser, the FUUn Prom, was a great success.  It was good to see people I don’t see too often, just as much as it was to see people I see all the time – and everyone looked stunning!  I have rarely enjoyed myself so much.

The Board is once again undergoing significant changes.  Terry Cummings and Ed Billy have come to the end of their terms, and Thom Kennon left earlier this year.  Judy Strachan completed her third term as Treasurer and Carol McGough has stepped down as Secretary.  Judith Rew has moved from her role as Trustee to Secretary (as elected by the congregation), and so another Trustee position became open.  They are each unique individuals who have brought their own special “something” to the Board, and I am grateful to each of them for their service, their presence and their guidance throughout their respective terms.

Chris Corbett has been elected to Treasurer, but he has actually been “Treasurer in training,” having attended Board meetings over the last several months and met with Judy Strachan on numerous occasions to effect a smooth transition.  Judith Rew has already made a significant contribution in her new role, having volunteered to compile the Annual Report.  They, along with me and Vice President Michael Mernin, constitute the Executive Board.  Their continuing commitment to this congregation is inspiring to me and I look forward to the coming year with excitement.  I also welcome Dorothy Sommer, Dennis Drew, Michael Premo and Arlene Dodge as Trustees, and very much look forward to serving with them this coming year.

It has been a very good year for me, having become much more comfortable in the role, and your support and friendship has been my mainstay.  I am as always grateful to you for being there for me, and I hope I have been of service to you.  I hope you’re having a terrific summer – onward and upward!

Teresa DeSousa
President, Board of Trustees