Religious Education: Looking Forward – June 2017

With summer starting soon, we are already changing into our summer schedule having our services at 10:00 AM.  Please join us for RE Sunday on June 4th, so our students can show you what they have been up to all year! The last day of RE classes will be held on June 11th and One Room School House will start on June 25th. 

If you haven’t had a chance to register yet, don’t worry, you can take a minute to do so online at or by visiting us at the registration table in the Narthex. Please keep in mind, next year we will be doing things a little bit differently as we will be asking every family to contribute in at least one way: by either teaching and preparing lessons 8 times, assisting in the classroom 5 times, or by being the Classroom Community Event Coordinator hosting social events for families outside of the classroom. 

For Your Calendars

6/04     RE Sunday & Judy’s Farewell Celebration

6/06     RE Committee Meeting

6/11     Last Day of RE Classes

6/18     Father’s Day (Flower Communion), Congregation Picnic

6/25     One-Room School House Begins

***      Registration/Recruitment Every Sunday in June!!

See you Sunday,
Iris E .DeLaPaz
Religious Education Program Coordinator