Congratulations to the congregation as we conclude a successful year flush with the excitement of calling our new settled co-ministers. We want to reiterate our thanks for the attentive support you gave to the Search Committee and Ministerial Transition Team during the two-year interim period.
Revs. Anya and Scott will share responsibility as senior co-ministers, filling the senior minister role. As you should also be aware, the Board developed an interim staffing plan to fill the gap left by Associate Minister Rev. Tomlinson’s imminent departure. That plan centers on the creation of two two-year lay positions to handle Rev. Judy’s non-pulpit duties.
In the coming weeks, our Personnel Committee will be interviewing candidates for these two positions, a Director of Religious Education and a Director of Membership and Congregational Life. The postings for these positions are on our congregational website, and we encourage you to contact any Board member if you have any questions about the plan (
Our transition continues. The congregation has demonstrated its depth and strength in the last two years and the Board of Trustees looks forward to working for and with every member and friend as we enter this new chapter.
Michael Mernin
President, Board of Trustees