I am entering my 6th month working here at UUCM and I just want to say thank you to all of the parents and volunteers that have made this experience absolutely delightful. This program would not be possible without your help.
Starting June 19th, we will be diving into our summer program entitled, “Dr. Seuss Saved My Life” and we will be exploring our UU principles through Dr. Seuss’s stories. Our nursery will be set up in the air conditioned Rotunda for children 6 months through Pre-K all summer long. Our K-5th graders will meet in the Peierls Room from June 19 through August 28. This program is designed for students Kindergarten to 5th grade. Our Senior Youth and friends will lead participants thru playful activities and crafts. We’re going to explore what makes us special, cooperation and respecting others, taking care of our Earth, and augment our imagination.
I am sad that the school year is over but really excited for NEXT YEAR already. We have a lot of wonderful things planned in order to give us the most fulfilling religious education school year to date! In order to get that to happen we need your help! Please take some time to register your child for next year or volunteer. To register your child for RE or to find out how you might get involved, please visit http://www.uumontclair.org/re/register/ or contact the RE Office.
Coming up this Month:
All Services in the Month of June are at 10:00 AM
- 6/05 – Classes combine (last day of classes before summer)
- 6/12 – New Member Coffee meet-up after service Alliance room
- 6/19 – Flower Communion; Intergenerational service; Nursery and Pre-K only; Congregational picnic
- 6/22-6/26 – General Assembly in Columbus, Ohio
- 6/26 – Summer Sundays begin!
See you Sunday,
Iris E. DeLaPaz
Religious Education Program Coordinator