Greetings from Your Newly Formed Ministerial Search Committee (MSC)!

Please see the June Gazette for an overview of the year-long process for finding our next settled minister. Over this next year, there will be times when we need input from each of you, times we will request to meet with groups of you, and times where we will be seemingly working in isolation and unable to discuss the details of the search. Through each of these stages we want to fully communicate with the congregation. Our communication plan will, at various times, include announcements in the weekly email, written and spoken announcements on Sunday, a monthly Gazette article, a table at Coffee Hour, and a timeline posted in the Narthex. We have only had two meetings so far, so there is still a lot of work to be done in general, and in implementing our communication plan. Our retreat with our Ministerial Settlement Representative, Reverend Craig Hirshberg, on June 10-11 will officially launch the process.

We are your Ministerial Search Committee: Peter Arian, John Carlton, Nancy Felix, Erin Krupa, Lawrence Ramsey, Chelsea Vaughn Showalter, and Connie Thames.