UUA Junior Youth Autumn Retreat

UUCM Middle School Youth (grades 6, 7 and 8) are welcomed to register for the UUA Jr. Youth Autumn Retreat  in Patterson, NY September 9-10, 2017. This retreat is for all middle school UUCM youth who will be in 6th, 7th or 8th grade in autumn 2017. Twice a year, the UUA hosts a 24 hour retreat or CON that is filled  with other UU youth, games, sports, music and much more. It is a 24 hour experience at Camp Herlich located in Patterson, NY, about an hour from Montclair. We will leave Saturday morning, Sept 9 and return Sunday morning Sept 10 around 9 am  and in between make memories and have a lot of fun. Pre-registration is required through the UUA website. For more info, email UUCM parent Jill Wodnick who is happy to answer questions about previous junior youth UUA CONS and is registered as one of the chaperones for our congregation.