UUA General Assembly

Join our ministers, Revs. Charlie Ortman and Judy Tomlinson and other members of our congregation for this year’s General Assembly (GA) which be held June 25th to 29th in Providence, RI. GA is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). The theme for General Assembly 2014 is Love Reaches Out. Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend, but only UUA certified congregations can send voting delegates to GA. General Assembly will offer just shy of 200 programming choices over the 5 days of GA.  The 2014 Ware lecturer will be Sister Simone Campbell, a religious leader, attorney and poet with extensive experience in public policy and advocacy for systemic change. For more information, visit: www.uua.org/ga/.