Our Summer RE Program begins on June 22nd

Children from Kindergarten through 5th grade will be participating in a curriculum with a circus theme. Using a rich base of books inspired by the circus, our Senior Youth and friends will lead participants thru activities and crafts parallel to the 10:00 AM service starting at the end of June and continuing through the end of August. Our children will be creating art, juggling, singing, doing light acrobatics, possibly walking along a tight rope (taped to the ground, of course) and exploring the circus world in some fashion throughout the summer. This program will be held in the Peierls room from June 22nd through August 24th. Our nursery will be set up in the air conditioned Rotunda for children 6 months through Pre-K all summer long.  Please contact Judith Stein-Farrall at recoord@uumontclair.org for more information.