Religious Education Looking Forward – June 2014

This time of year in the UU Religious Education world we celebrate all those who have been involved in the Religious Education program and June 1st is RE Sunday here at UUCM! We will recognize and appreciate all the indispensable volunteers, teachers, leaders and mentors who have made this program year a success for our congregation’s children and youth.  Our RE Leaders guide our children weekly as they consider, interesting and sometimes weighty, ethical and spiritual, subjects.  They nurture our children’s spirit, involve them in understanding the UU Heritage they are a part of and encourage them to wonder and to do good works.   Through classes organizing, mentoring and sharing their artistic talents, our RE Teams provide the environment our children need to flourish. THANK YOU!

As spring morphs into summer the RE Program turns to lighter fare. This summer children from Kindergarten through 5th grade will be participating in a curriculum with a circus theme. Using a rich base of books inspired by the circus our Senior Youth and friends will lead participants thru playful activities and crafts. Our children will be exploring the circus world, creating art, juggling, singing, doing light acrobatics, clowning around, maybe walking along a tight rope (taped to the ground, of course). Our K-5th graders will meet in the Peierls Room from June 22nd through August 24th.

Our nursery will be set up in the air conditioned Rotunda for children 6 months through Pre-K all summer long.

To register your child for RE and to find out how you might be involved, please contact the RE Office or visit:

Coming up this Month:

June 1st – RE Sunday – Class Recognition and Teacher Appreciation. TWO SERVICES

June 8th – New Member Sunday ONE SERVICE BEGINS.

June 15th –Flower Communion Multigenerational Service

June 22nd – Begin Summer RE Programming.

June 25June 29th  – GA In Providence, RI

Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of ALL Ages, welcome to the greatest show on earth and see you all on Sunday!

Judith A. Stein-Farrall
Religious Education Program Coordinator