April Showers bring May flowers and the beginning of RE Registration!
Every Sunday this month we will have registration forms available to be signed and turned in. Join us at the RE Table in Fletcher Hall during coffee hour! Prizes will be award to those who register on Sunday. If you have registered this past year, all you have to do is update your household’s personalized and prefilled-in registration form. If you are new to the program, ask questions and register your family so they are all set to start classes in the fall. It’s easy! You can also find detailed curriculum information and register online by visiting the following address: http://tinyurl.com/UUCMRERegistration2016-2017.
Additionally, I hope you will choose to sign up to help out in RE: teaching, special event participation including Dia de los Muertos, the holiday craft fair, the holiday pageant and more. It is the good work of many people that keeps our top-notch RE program strong and vibrant and we depend on the enthusiasm, energy and commitment of, not just parents, but all adult members of our congregation. It’s a wonderful way for everyone to get to know and interact with our young people.
Blue Jean Sunday will be held on April 10th. It is a great opportunity to help out around the buildings and grounds. We will be looking for help with painting, cleaning and mulching among other projects. Please look for signup sheets at Coffee Hour. Adults as well as children are needed for raking the grounds, pruning bushes, Memorial Garden clean-up, kitchen organizing/cleaning, dusting pews and washing windows. Of course, BJS wouldn’t be complete without a fine selection of delicious foods to nourish our hard workers.
To stay in the loop you can join our online community at our UU Montclair RE Families Facebook page. Thank you all for your passion and commitment!
For Your Calendars
4/3, 4/10, 4/17, 4/24 REGISTRATION
4/10 Blue Jean Sunday
4/22 Passover Seder
4/24 Children’s Chapel
See you Sunday,
Iris E. DeLaPaz
Religious Education Program Coordinator