We had an absolutely beautiful month. For Valentine’s Day, after reading the book The Journey by Francesca Sanna, we dug into our Unitarian Universalist traditions and made Valentines for the mayor of Montclair, asking to look into his heart to make Montclair a sanctuary city. It was very cute; you can see some pictures on our facebook page. (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1078191248877955/)
This month we have a ton of fun and exciting things coming up and we could really use your help. The 9th grade Coming of Age class is going to New York City on March 17th for YSOP (Youth Service Opportunities Project), an experience where our youth get to see what homelessness and food insecurity looks like first-hand and we still need chaperones. If you’re interested in participating in this overnight please email me at recoord@uumontclair.org.
I am also still in the midst of planning and executing a Purim Carnival for March 12th. Purim is a fun Jewish holiday where good triumphs against evil. There are many aspects of this carnival and any bit of support is appreciated.
For Your Calendars
3/2 (Thurs) Family Meetup at the Montclair Art Museum
3/4 (Sat) RE Committee Retreat
3/12 Children’s Chapel: Purim
4/15 (Sat) 6th-9th Grade Community Building Event
See you Sunday,
Iris E .DeLaPaz
Religious Education Program Coordinator