As April approaches, the Religious Education Committee finds itself busy with Registration and Recruitment for next year’s RE program. Why so early? Well, we need to look ahead and plan our class sizes, put curriculum in place, recruit teaching staff, and anything and everything that goes along with that!
We will officially begin our registration process on Sunday, April 7th. Stop by the display case in the Narthex to view the Religious Education Department’s special contribution and make sure you join us for Coffee Hour as well. We will have next year’s curricula available for perusal, and, in addition to myself and Rev. Judy Tomlinson, members of the RE Committee will be available for any questions you may have regarding the program.
I hope you will sign up to be part of a teaching team for the 2013-2014 class year or help with one of our many special events sponsored by the RE committee. It is the good work of many people that keeps our top-notch RE program strong and vibrant and we depend on the enthusiasm, energy and commitment of, not just parents, but all adult members of our congregation. It’s a wonderful way for everyone to get to know and interact with our young people.
Blue Jean Sunday will be held on April 14th. Please look for sign-up sheets at Coffee Hour. There are many ways you can help the UUCM look spiffy. Adults as well as children are needed for raking the grounds, pruning bushes, Memorial Garden clean-up, kitchen organizing/cleaning, dusting pews and washing windows. Of course, BJS wouldn’t be complete without a fine selection of delicious foods to nourish our hard workers. Sign up to provide chili, soup, bread, drinks, desserts, etc.
Taking care of our spiritual home and its programs offers us each a chance to come together and live our Mission – We are a liberal religious community seeking transformation in our hearts, our homes, our community and our world. Take advantage of the opportunities this month to make a difference at UUCM…it will be transformative!
See you Sunday,
Allison Sosinsky
Religious Education Program Coordinator