The Board has instituted a number of new practices this year in our efforts to be more visible to the congregation and live out our values. Notably, we have been spending time getting to know our committees and other groups by inviting them to our monthly Board meetings. We are interested in knowing not only who the committee mem- bers are and what they do, but we also want to know the challenges they face and how we as a Board can be of assistance. We hope that by doing so we can strengthen our relationship with all committees over time.
Silly me…I thought I knew pretty much everything about the congregation, but this process has been an eye-opener. I didn’t think it was possible but I am even more in awe of the people in this congregation, particularly our commit- ment to each other and our commitment to the larger community through our social action initiatives.
Religious Education, Undoing Racism, Green Sanctuary, Worship, Music, Membership, Small Group Ministries…these are a few of the groups who have visited with us. Each of these groups have clear missions, innovative ideas and concrete plans for change and growth. They have all committed significant amounts of time and resources to make our shared experience at UUCM more meaningful. Their passion about and commitment to the work they do is inspiring. You’ll be hearing more about these initiatives over the coming months and certainly during the Pledge Drive.
Particularly gratifying to me is that the groups are seeking the Board out instead of waiting to be invited. We initially focused on having one group come in each meeting, but now we are doubling up. While the meetings are a bit longer as a result, I find them energizing because of the opportunity I have to broaden my perspective and learn so much more about our shared ministry.
Our potential as a congregation is limitless…and it’s all because of each of you. For that I am forever grateful. We will continue to reach out to committees and groups, but I extend an open invitation for all of you to come visit!
Teresa DeSousa
President, Board of Trustees