Religious Education Looking Forward – February 2017

Welcome back to our regular schedule! It was nice to have a break but I am excited to continue with all the fun things we have planned for rest of this year! The best way to stay up to date is to join our Facebook group.

We had a very successful Undoing Racism Day.  In Children’s Chapel we created a quilt showing how we will show our activism in Undoing Racism.  A picture of our quilt is on our Facebook page and we will display it during coffee hour for the duration of this month. 

We are still Thinking Orange so keep an eye out for our weekly questions. I would love for you to share your responses on the Facebook page (or with me on Sunday) and hear about what kind of dynamic family experiences you like.  

On Saturday February 25th in the Alliance Room, second through fifth grade families will have a special community building event (CBE). Lunch will be provided and all siblings are invited.

For Your Calendars

2/2 (Thurs) Family Meet-Up at the Montclair Art Museum

2/7 (Tues) RE Committee Meeting, 7:30 pm

2/12 Children’s Chapel: Love

2/25 (Sat) Second-Fifth Grade CBE

See you Sunday,
Iris E .DeLaPaz
Religious Education Program Coordinator