“Stewardship” is a word you will be hearing frequently from the Board in the coming weeks and months as we begin to promote effective stewardship practices within the congregation. Stewardship is the responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. But for financially healthy UU institutions, stewardship is more than that: it is a vital ministry that nurtures generosity, promotes leadership and sustains the health and longevity of the institution for generations to come.
An essential pillar of stewardship of a UU institution is its annual fund drive. During the month of February, we hope that you will ponder your role as a steward of UUCM and give as generously as you can, just as previous generations of Montclair UU’s have done for you.
The Board invites your comments and questions about stewardship and any other topic via board@uumontclair.org as well as during Coffee Hour in Fletcher Hall.