Conversations on Black Lives Matter

The Undoing Racism Committee Invites you to join the Conversations on Black Lives Matter. The purpose of  Conversations on BLM is to give UUCM members and friends the opportunity to deepen their commitment to racial justice. By better understanding the impact that systemic racism has on the everyday lives of African-Americans and other people of color, we can act with more conviction and direction.
Conversations will take place in the Peierls Room from 12:30-2:30. A light lunch will be served at 12:15.
Conversation #1 was held on November 8, 2015.
Conversation #2 was held on January 10, 2016.
Conversation #3: Sunday, February 21, 2016: White -skinned Privilege
Conversation #4: Sunday, April 17, 2016: Mass Incarceration and Police Terror
To RSVP, call or text URC Chair Becky Doggett at (973) 651-6396.