The theme for March is Renewing Faith!
Calendar Connections
Click on the name of each event for more information or inspiration.
- Ash Wednesday (Christian) – March 2, 2022 (more here)
- Lent (Christian) – March 2 – April 14, 2022 (A humorous take)
- Purim begins (Jewish) – March 16 – 17, 2022 (more here & here)
- Holi (Hindu) – March 18 – 19, 2022 (more here and here)
- Ostara/ Spring or the Vernal Equinox (Wicca/Pagan) – March 20 (more here)
- The Annunciation (Christian) – March 25
Unitarian Universalist:
- James Reeb dies (1965) – March 11 (more here and here.)
- Susan B. Anthony‘s Death – March 13
- Climate Justice Month – March 22 to April 22
- Viola Liuzzo dies (1965) – March 25
National & Cultural:
- Women’s History Month
- Irish American Heritage Month
- Mardi Gras – March 1
- Peace Corps Established – March 1 (1961)
- Season for Nonviolence – Jan. 30 – April 4
- Dred Scott Case – March 6 (1857)
- International Women’s Day – March 8
- St. Patrick’s Day – March 17
- World Water Day – March 22
- Archbishop Oscar Romero dies – March 24 (1980)
- Selma–Montgomery march – March 21-25 (1965) (more here)
- International Transgender Day of Visibility – March 31 (more here)
For Fun and On the Fringe:
- National Day of Unplugging – first Friday of March / Mar. 2
- Pi Day – March 14
- Everything You Think is Wrong Day – March 15
- Tolkien Reading Day – March 25
Here is an excerpt/activity to try at home:
Introduce It!
(Wonder Box)
Our Gifts
Reflection Object: a small, wrapped present
Suggested Script
“The theme this month is renewing faith. In this session we explore how we can renew faith in ourselves by trusting our gifts. Each person has gifts inside of themselves (hold up the wrapped present.) If this were the box which held the gifts of you, what would be inside? Do you have the gift of making people laugh? Of being a good listener? Of being kind or working hard? Of understanding others? Of being very strong or being able to figure things out? These are gifts which you can trust because they are in you. They enable you to renew faith in yourself. They remind you that you can rely on yourself in challenging times.
Our religion reminds us that we have inherent worth. Part of what this means is that we have the strength and gifts within us to help others and help ourselves.
So when it comes to renewing faith, our faith clearly tells us, “Practice trusting our gifts.” Are you ready?! Let’s begin!”