Join us for a year of special events as we celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair.
Rev Charlie Ortman’s (Belated) Retirement Party – Saturday, June 10, 2023, 6-9pm, Fletcher Hall.
Join us as we finally hold that retirement party we planned on holding for Rev Charlie in Providence, 2020 – before lockdown canceled it. Then on June 11, Rev Charlie will join us for worship, led by our Out Front team in honor of Pride week in a service that will include our Annual Flower Communion.
Suggested donation is $30.
We have also added an extra option to Be a Party Booster. For an additional $20, these funds will go to party decorations, etc. and/or the Ortman Fund. If you have already registered, please edit your registration to add this option.
Register at:
Share your reflections on former UUCM Rev. Ortman
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair is thrilled to welcome back former Rev. Charlie Ortman this spring as we celebrate our 125th Anniversary. As we plan to honor and reflect on his time with UUCM, we are seeking reflections from those who knew him or have thoughts to share about his legacy.
To share your reflections, please fill out our brief Google forms:
- Rev. Charlie Ortman:
While we cannot include everything we receive, we plan to comb through all contributions carefully to assemble a piece of meaning and substance.
In addition to filling out the form yourself, you’re welcome to pass this message along to anyone else who may have reflections to share.
If you have questions, please contact Jerry Fried.