Beloved Conversations—a faith formation anti-racism program through our Unitarian Universalist seminary in Chicago, Meadville Lombard Theological School—went virtual last fall and over 1,200 learners joined the first ‘Within’ phase. We would love to have you join us for spring! This program is an experience of connection and spiritual development that you don’t want to miss. Attendance in Part I is not necessary for you to participate in Part II.
The Spring Term registration closes on February 26, 2021. The Spring Term begins March 16, 2021 with lessons published every two weeks, as well as biweekly small group check-ins and monthly large group worship and discussion. In the program’s current phase, ‘Within,’ we engage with a personal exploration of race and our work for racial justice. With two caucuses, our white participants are invited into the Un/learning for Liberation course and our BIPOC+ participants are invited into the Gathering Ourselves course. In Beloved Conversations, we are here to heal the impact of racism on our lives. Let’s get free together.
Learn more and register at If you do not receive a scholarship from Meadville Lombard and require a scholarship to participate, please reach out to Rev. Anya. UUCM is committed to making trainings like this accessible to our congregation’s members.