The Board Corner – November 2017

From Steven Mintz, Board of Trustees

 Following the formal presentation of a proposal rooted in our core values, the Board of Trustees voted in October to form the Social Justice Coalition (SJC), a standing committee dedicated to social action. It replaces the Peace and Justice Coalition, spelling out a clearer and more responsive social action mandate.

Any member, friend or supporter of the UUCM may join the SJC. Leaders (coordinators) will represent social justice committees of the congregation including the Undoing Racism Committee, Green Sanctuary, Rainbow UUs and the UULMNJ, plus three at-large members.

In addition to naming up to three social justice priorities per year, the SJC will identify, encourage and help train congregational leaders who can join the organizing team. Its priorities will center on developing and implementing strategies for social justice action; coordinating advocacy efforts with local and statewide Unitarian Universalist leaders; and developing a “rapid response” mechanism via the Order of Service Announcements, UUCM Announcements, Newsletter, Twitter, Facebook and other channels.

For more information about the Social Justice Coalition, please contact

If you are interested in learning about the Board’s 2017/2018 priorities and associated task forces, please email the Board ( or stop by the Board table in Fletcher Hall after the 9:00 AM service or in the Narthex after the 11:00 AM service. We’d love to hear from you.