A Message from UUCM’s Re-Opening Implementation Team (RO-IT)

From Peter Arian and Rae Dumont, Co-Chairs of the RO-IT

Changes to Worship and Ingathering Events

The situation with covid infection rates, variants, transmission and immunity is changing. Our primary concern remains the safety of our congregation, and of our larger community. We recommend modified procedures, while we aim to return to in-person worship and Religious Education, and remain consistent with available health guidance. While the delay is disappointing to us all, we are hopeful. We will get through this time, keep each other safe, and reconnect as we slowly emerge.

Sunday Services

  • We will continue to offer a single 10 AM service, and space will be limited until further notice.
  • To attend, we ask that you make a reservation on Realm, and that you be vaccinated. 
  • Masks will be worn, and social distance maintained. 
  • Larger or overflow attendance will be accommodated with streaming in Fletcher Hall.
  • Connection Café will remain virtual.
  • There will be no indoor congregational singing. There will be hymn leaders in services, and attendees will be encouraged to hum along, with masks on and mouth closed.

Religious Education

  • The health and safety of our students, families and staff come first. We will re-assess weekly, and err on the side of caution, while following CDC and Essex county guidelines.
  • Personnel and volunteers will be required to be vaccinated. 
  • Masks and social distancing will be required indoors, in well ventilated spaces.
  • Eighth grade OWL starts in September in the Peierls room.
  • A nursery program will not be offered until it can be safer. 
  • Programs for younger children will start October 10th, with as much outdoor time as possible.
  • Our multi-platform Zoom option will also be available.

Welcome Fest

  • We will postpone the event until October or November, outdoors if possible.
  • The planned Scavenger Hunt is postponed until Spring.
  • A September 11 remembrance service will be held on 9-11-2021, at 11 AM, live and streamed. 

MESH (Montclair Emergence Services for the Homeless)

  • In person dining will be delayed, at least until late October.
  • We will continue to offer Grab’n Go meals and ask guests to be masked.
  • We ask that volunteers be vaccinated and masked. 

So please stay tuned, and join us in being flexible, as any or all of these plans may change. Please feel free to email us if you have any questions.