From Laura Wilson, Board of Trustees
The Spring brings with it lots of activity, such as our community observances of Passover, Easter, Blue Jean Sunday and the Installation of our Senior Co-Ministers, Reverends Scott and Anya.
Just as importantly, but perhaps not as easy to see, are the activities that the Board of Trustees addresses as part of our congregational governance. We were pleased to welcome Coming of Age students and mentors to our last few Board meetings. We want to remind all members that Board meetings (except for Executive Sessions that deal with sensitive issues such as personnel matters) are open to anyone who wishes to observe. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM.
Our current agenda includes working with the Finance Team on the annual budget development for the fiscal year that begins on July 1. We are identifying key steps for developing a new Mission Statement, Vision Statement and Strategic Plan. Come to the Annual Meeting on Sunday, May 13, 2018 to learn more.
If you are planning to attend General Assembly in Kansas City, MO from June 20-24, 2018 and wish to serve as one of the delegates for our congregation, please contact our President, Sue Raufer ( Please note that delegates must pay their own travel expenses.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can email us at