The Board Corner – February 2018

From Ellen Fenster-Kuehl, Board of Trustees

 With the theme of “Building a New Way,” our annual pledge drive will begin on Sunday, February 11, 2018. Membership pledges are our largest source of funding. Your promise of financial support during the pledge drive allows the board, our committees, and many active groups to plan for the coming year. We need to reach a goal of $525,000. It costs $2,600 a year per pledging family to ‘keep our lights on.’ We hope that all households will consider a pledge of 3% of income.

Several years ago, this congregation committed to providing salary and benefits to our ministers and staff in line with UUA Fair Compensation guidelines that recommend compensation adjusted for the size of our congregation and standards within our geographic area. We are fortunate to have an outstanding staff supporting our energetic senior co-ministers and us. A priority of the Board of Trustees is to move closer to the Fair Compensation goal. Visit to read about Fair Compensation. All of the hiring we have done since we committed to becoming a Fair Compensation congregation has been consistent with the Fair Compensation guidelines.  However, we still have a way to go to ensure that the contracts for all employees meet the guidelines.

In other news, a committee is already hard at work planning for the installation of Reverend Anya and Reverend Scott on Sunday, April 15, 2018. Save the date for this important and joyful event in our congregation’s life and watch for more information.